Registration Scientific Congress

Your personal details
Participate as Speaker?

As well as attending, you can join us to make the event even more interesting. Become a speaker!

If you have an interesting topic that you would like to share with others, please tick the box below. 

If your topic fits into the programme, we will get in touch with you to discuss the further details. 

Within two weeks you will get an email with further instructions for handing in your abstract. 

Individual or Organisation
Registration type
I would like to join the Social Event on Friday Evening € 100
The conference languages are spoken English, International Sign (IS) and Dutch Sign Language (NGT). Please select your main language of communication during the conference:
We have several travelgrants available that the scientific committee will specifically award to young investigators and investigators from underrepresented countries after the program has been finalized. Please tick the box if you want te apply for a travelgrant.

Total amount to pay: € 0.00

You will be redirected to Mollie's secure payment environment to complete your payment.